Understanding Insurance
Assets – any entity that is tangible or intangible that can be insured.
Claim – a request that is formally filed to the insurance company by the policyholders or the survivors of the policyholder to enact coverage benefits and/or provisions of their insurance policy.
Comprehensive Insurance – a kind of insurance policy that provides wide coverage when it comes to protection.
Coverage – generally refers to the extent that the insurance policy protects the assets, beneficiaries, licenses, and entities that are insured in the policy.
Deductible – this is the amount that the policyholder pays before the benefits of the insurance policy can be taken advantage of.
Insurance Carrier – the company which supports the insurance policy that the holder is enrolled into.
Policy Holder – the person who owns the insurance policy; a term usually used to refer to the insured person or the person(s) enrolled on the insurance policy.
Policy Renewal – this refers to the continuation of an insurance policy by paying another premium that will make the insurance policy operative for another period.
Premium – this is the amount the policyholder periodically pays for an insurance policy.
Risk Management – the identification of exposure to risks and the analysis of the best way to handle such risks through insurance, safekeeping of assets, etc.
Understanding Taxes
- CNN News (Business and Finance)www.edition.cnn.com
- Bloomberg (Business and Financial News)www.bloomberg.com
- The American Accounting Associationwww.aaahq.org
- California Tax Service Centerwww.taxes.ca.gov/index.shtml
- State of California – Franchise Tax Boardwww.ftb.ca.gov/index.shtml
- California Tax Education Councilwww.ctec.org
- Internal Revenue Servicewww.irs.gov